2019 Nursing Home Survey Inspection Findings Search
Search Criteria
  • Search Note: Leave all fields blank to return all entries. To narrow search try just the county from the dropdown list.
  • A partial string may be used to search. For example, "Smith" as a search would find all entries containing that string such as: "Smith", "Naismith", "Smitherstown" ect...
  • Click on the Search button to begin search. Any facilities meeting your parameters will display below this button. If there is only one facility, it will display with its contents. Multiple facilities will display in a list. Select the ITEM NUMBER link in the first column to select the facility you wish.
  • Once the facility has been located, click on the "View/Upload Document" button to see what postings exist for that facility.
  • Click on the link in the IMAGE ID Column to select that document you wish to view.
  • A "Open or Save option message window will be displayed at the bottom of the browser window. Select option desired.
  • Click on "Return" Button or use the browser back button to navigate back to search starting point.

Facility Name:
State Region:
Former Names:
Rows to Return
# Rows:
  • Clear the row number field to return all rows matching selection criteria.
  • Column sorting does not sort the result set but sorts the set determined by the selection criteria and then pick the TOP xxx rows.
Search Results
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